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Writer's pictureSherlynn Koh

Five potential side effects of holding in pee

Five potential side effects of holding in pee:

1. Pain People who regularly ignore the urge to pee may feel pain or discomfort in the bladder or kidneys. When a person finally does reach the bathroom, urinating may also hurt. The muscles may also stay partially clenched after the release of urine, which can lead to pelvic cramps.

2. Urinary tract infection In some cases, holding in pee for too long can cause bacteria to multiply. This may lead to a urinary tract infection (UTI). Many doctors recommend avoiding holding in pee for extended periods of time, as it can increase the risk of UTIs, especially if a person has a history of frequent UTIs. People who do not drink enough liquids may be more likely to develop a UTI, because the bladder is not telling the body to pee often enough. This can cause bacteria to spread through the urinary tract, leading to infection.

Symptoms of a UTI can include: - a burning or stinging feeling during urination - pain in the pelvis or lower abdomen - a constant urge to empty the bladder - strong- or foul-smelling urine - cloudy, off-colored urine - consistently dark urine - bloody urine

3. Bladder stretching In the long term, regularly holding in pee can cause the bladder to stretch. This may make it difficult or impossible for the bladder to contract and release pee normally. If a person has a stretched bladder, extra measures, such as a catheter, may be necessary.

4. Damage to pelvic floor muscles Frequently retaining urine may harm the pelvic floor muscles. One of these muscles is the urethral sphincter, which keeps the urethra closed to prevent urine from leaking out. Damaging this muscle could lead to urinary incontinence. Doing pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegels, may help strengthen these muscles and repair muscle loss or prevent leakage.

5. Kidney stones Holding in pee may cause kidney stones to form in people with a history of the condition or in those who have a high mineral content in their urine. Pee often contains minerals such as uric acid and calcium oxalate.


1. 疼痛 经常忽视小便冲动的人可能会感到膀胱或肾脏疼痛或不适。 当一个人最终到达卫生间时,小便也可能会疼痛。 尿液排出后,肌肉也可能保持部分紧绷,这可能导致骨盆痉挛。

2.尿路感染 在某些情况下,憋尿时间过长会导致细菌繁殖。 这可能会导致尿路感染(UTI)。 许多医生建议避免长时间憋尿,因为这会增加患尿路感染的风险,特别是如果一个人有频繁尿路感染病史。 没有喝足够液体的人可能更容易患上尿路感染,因为膀胱没有告诉身体经常小便。 这会导致细菌通过尿路传播,导致感染。

尿路感染的症状可能包括: - 排尿时有灼烧感或刺痛感 - 骨盆或下腹部疼痛 - 持续渴望排空膀胱 - 尿液气味浓烈或恶臭 - 尿液混浊、变色 - 尿液颜色始终呈深色 - 血尿

3.膀胱伸展 从长远来看,经常憋尿会导致膀胱伸展。 这可能会使膀胱难以或不可能正常收缩和排尿。 如果一个人的膀胱被拉伸,可能需要额外的措施,例如导尿管。

4.盆底肌肉损伤 经常滞留尿液可能会损害盆底肌肉。 这些肌肉之一是尿道括约肌,它保持尿道闭合以防止尿液漏出。 损伤这块肌肉可能会导致尿失禁。 进行盆底运动(例如凯格尔运动)可能有助于增强这些肌肉并修复肌肉损失或防止渗漏。

5.肾结石 对于有肾结石病史的人或尿液中矿物质含量较高的人来说,憋尿可能会导致肾结石形成。 尿液中通常含有尿酸和草酸钙等矿物质。

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