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Writer's pictureSherlynn Koh


How exactly was cholera caused? Since the 19th century, there have been seven worldwide cholera pandemics, affecting about 140 million people. How exactly is it contagious? The main function of the gut is to absorb nutrients and water to nourish body tissues. Vibrio cholerae can reverse this by secreting cholera enterotoxin, which not only prevents normal intestinal absorption, but also "sucks" water and electrolytes from the tissues. A large amount of water and excrement will "rush out", causing severe diarrhea. Nearly half were sucked alive and died of dehydration. Vibrio cholerae will divide into two groups, and some will cling to the intestinal wall, continue to reproduce and secrete toxins. The other part is excreted through excrement, looking for a new host. Vibrio cholerae can enter the human body through the digestive tract through hands, food, and drinking water. Cholera was deadly, but the real cause of death was dehydration caused by diarrhea. This means that as long as you drink enough water, you can survive the infection (high probability). If a small amount of electrolytes are added, the fatality rate of cholera, which is as high as 50%, can be reduced to less than 1%. However, bacteria will continue to evolve and adapt to the environment, so this is also the meaning of modern medicine-constantly conquering new germs.

*So what can we do as individuals?* 1. Wash your hands before and after meals to ensure that you don’t get sick from your mouth 2. Due to Vibrio Cholerae is extremely sensitive to high temperature, we can drink plenty of hot water and try to eat boiled food, but remember not to be too hot, too hot will increase the risk of esophageal cancer. You man cool it down first. For more detailed information, you may refer link below.

霍乱究竟如何引起?19世纪以来,共爆发过七次世界性的霍乱大流行,约1.4亿人患难。它究竟是如何传染的呢? 肠道的主要功能是吸收营养和水分,以此来滋养身体组织。霍乱弧菌能够分泌霍乱肠毒素扭转这一状态,不但使得肠道无法正常吸收,还会从组织中“吸出”水和电解质。大量的水分和排泄物就会“夺门而出”,引发严重的腹泻。有近一半的人被活活吸干,脱水而死。 霍乱弧菌则会兵分两路,一部分紧紧抓住肠道壁,继续繁殖,分泌毒素。另一部分则通过排泄物排出体外,寻找新的宿主。霍乱弧菌会通过手、食物、饮用水经由消化道进入人体。 霍乱虽然致命,但真正的死因是腹泻引发的脱水。这意味着只要补充足够的水分,就能从感染中幸存(大概率)。如果再加上少量的电解质,就能将霍乱高达50%的病死率降低至1%以下。 然而细菌是会不断进化和适应环境的,因此这也是现代医学所存在的意义——不断攻克新的病菌。

*那么作为个体的我们能做什么?* 1. 饭前饭后洗手,确保不会病从口入 2. 由于霍乱弧菌对高温极其敏感,所以我们可以多喝热水,尽量吃煮沸煮熟的食物,但切记不要太烫,太烫会增加患食道癌的风险。你可以凉一点再吃。 欲了解更多详细信息,您可以观看下方的链接。

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